With wrist locks, you’re either all crazy in love with them or completely and utterly despise them. There is no middle ground and that’s perfectly okay. Get to know them and join the love-them crowd, rather than being the crybaby that despises them and has no idea what to do when they strike.
There is a very interesting instructional out now, called Lose Friends Through Wrist Locks Scott Taylor DVD. It features lots of Gi-heavy information that will help you devise a deadly attacking and counter-attacking wrist lock game. It is the perfect blend of traditional martial arts techniques adopted to be extremely efficient in BJJ.
Key Takeaways
A 3-part Gi BJJ DVD containing 2 hours of highly effective wrist locks.
Heavy use of Gi grips and lapels in setting up wrist locks from everywhere.
Organized to help you improve your submission finishes, pins, and escapes.
BJJ World Expert Rating: 8 out of 10.

Wrist Locks – The Great Divider
Wrist locks are often frowned upon in BJJ, but there is no real reason to do so. Yeah, they are sneaky, and they are effective, but that doesn’t mean we stop using them just because they work. Quite the dichotomy right there.
The use of wrist locks should, in my opinion, be encouraged in our sport, as they are often overlooked, and lead to complacency that ends up costing you matches. And no, shrugging off a submission loss to a wrist lock as a fluke is not the way to cope with these arm locks.
At the end of the day, we need to use everything at our disposal to be effective within the bounds of competitive Jiu-Jitsu. Unless we treat wrist locks seriously, we just create another boogey submission, as the Gracies did with leg locks, effectively forcing them underground. if history has taught us anything, that will come to bite us in the a$$.
One step in embracing wrist locks, especially if you’ve never considered them before, is the Lose Friends Through Wrist Locks Scott Taylor DVD. It explains them better than any pure BJJ grappler ever could.
A Wrist Lock Master With a Peculiar Resume
I guess we can call all those who train BJJ, myself included, the snobs of the martial arts world. Knowing something is effective, fun, and difficult makes us think we’re involved in something that is better than most other martial arts. Given the standards, most of the time it is, but that doesn’t mean other martial arts have nothing to contribute that’ll make us better at Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu.
Every now and again a person with a very long and accomplished traditional martial arts background in BJJ goes through the ranks and ends up developing some mixture of BJJ and other martial arts that seems to be ultra-effective, at least for themselves. It is not much unlike the origin story of BJJ. The challenge, however, is how to have it work for others as well.
Scott Taylor, a fifth-degree black belt in Kumo Jiu-Jitsu (a traditional variation) as well as a Tae Kwon Do and BJJ black belt. That is an impressive blend of credentials, which also contributed to Scott’s specialization of one particular aspect of submission grappling – wristlocks.
Having trained with the likes of GSP, Nick Maynard, Jo Stevenson, and Brendon Vera surely helped Scott weed out the useless form of what really works. He now attempts to pass on his decades’ worth of knowledge to the BJJ world via the Lose Friends Through Wrist Locks Scott Taylor DVD.
Lose Friends Through Wrist Locks Scott Taylor DVD Review
This highly amusing 2-hour long Gi instructional features 3 different volumes focusing on very effective and no less brutal wrist lock finishes from every position. The Lose Friends Through Wrist Locks Scott Taylor DVD relies heavily on the use of lapels to blend in BJJ and traditional Jiu-Jitsu attacks into a very formidable system.
Part 1 – Closed Guard Wrist Locks
As Scott opens his introduction, he talks a bit about his background which actually provides a lot of credibility given the subject. Why he wears a black and red coral belt is beyond me, though.
the initial focus is on the closed guard, with the entire first volume of the Lose Friends Through Wrist Locks Scott Taylor DVD addressing different setups and finishes from the closed guard. There are lots of Japanese names assigned to the different wrist locks, which are not unknown to those who’ve practiced Aikido and traditional Japanese Jiu-Jitsu.
Taylor uses the lapels heavily when setting his wrist lock up, combining them with other BJJ tactics, such as sweeps that land you in the mount, with the threats of wrist lock finishes still active. Scott also provides a blueprint for connecting wrist locks to other guard submissions and transitions.
Part 2 – Hidden Wrist Lock Attacks
The second portion of the Lose Friends Through Wrist Locks Scott Taylor DVD is the one I enjoyed the most. It contains wrist locks which I tend to use (although I go for them very rarely).
Most of these become available as opponents defend other stuff you’re throwing at them, such as submissions or heavy positional pins. For example, Scott demonstrates a coo variation to a wristlock used when an opponent is defending an armbar, on top of plenty of surprising side control and mount options.
The centerpiece of this volume is a couple of chapters addressing the biceps wrist lock, particularly the scarf modification. There is also a cool variation of the old ‘answering the telephone’ counter to an arm triangle choke defense.
Part 3 – Wrist Locks From Everywhere
As we arrive at the final part of the Lose Friends Through Wrist Locks Scott Taylor DVD, we get access to details on setting up sneaky wrist locks from literally anywhere. The opening chapters in this part focus on open guard setups, before going on to explore more versatile options.
I really enjoyed the D’arce choke wrist lock combo, as well as the one that helps you get out of side control, unless the top person decides to tap. Taylor also has a few more defensive uses of wrist locks, wrapping up with a finish from the turtle position.
How Wrist Locks Improve Your BJJ Game
Knowing what you now know about the versatility of wrist locks from our Lose Friends Through Wrist Locks Scott Taylor DVD review, you must be thinking about how you can integrate wrist locks into your game. It is a lot easier than it seems:
Pins – Writ locks from any top pin position are made easy by the fact that you only need to place your weight correctly, and the bottom person cannot defend them. They’re particularly effective when you introduce lapels to trap the wrist.
Submissions – On top of being a highly viable and available submission on their own, wrist locks perfectly complement all other submissions in BJJ. Most people defend heavily by relying on their arms, which always expose them to wrist locks.
Escapes – One of the crucial aspects of creating space with wrist locks is their effectiveness in escaping. Pain is the best motivator for someone to ease off the pressure, and as people forget their arms all over the place, an easy shortcut to creating defensive space.
Standing – Stopping just short of Aikido, wristlocks are huge at forcing people to move in the direction you want them to while placing their focus on the pain in their wrist. This allows you to set up any takedown you desire.
The above are just a few examples of how wrist locks can feature in your BJJ game as much more than simply a submission move. They create space, which is integral to effectively doing Jiu-Jitsu, while they cause panic and disarray among opponents on account of how painful they are.

Who Needs Friends When You Have Wrist Locks?
you’re not going to become a wrist lock master by picking up the Lose Friends Through Wrist Locks Scott Taylor DVD and following its instructions. However, you will become a lot better in BJJ, while introducing a new aspect of grappling to your game.
Once you get comfortable with wrist locks, you can think about specializing in them. Once again, this Scott Taylor DVD is going to be one of the best resources to re-discover new details you’ve missed before when you were a writ-locking noob. Happy hunting!
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